Deelname Steve Austen als gastdocent aan de internationale Summer University in Kószeg (H) op 28 juni 2013.
Performance of Royal de Luxe (F) Amsterdam Cultural Capital of Europe
Performance of Royal de Luxe (F) pre-conditions for a succesfull european Cultural capital event.during “Amsterdam Cultural Capital of Europe, a future for ideas, 1987.” Part of the lecture by Steve Austen: Pre-conditions for a succesfull European Cultural Capital event. Lessons learned . Lecture and presentation can be modified according to your wishes and targetgroup.
Herdenken en vieren: lezing van Steve Austen op 5 mei 2013 in Felix Meritis
New kinds of tea in Steve Austen bar in Grad!
Steve Austen bar in KC Grad now offers you new kinds of tea: Ginger: fresh ginger Gunpowder: Chinese green tea Alibaba: hibiscus, rose petals, pieces of apple, green tea, sunflower petals Turkish Med: pieces of apple, pistachio, currants, white chocolate, almond flakes Genmaicha: Japanese green tea with popcorn rice Evening tea: peppermint, chamomile, lavender Chai tea: black tea, kardemum, cinnamon, cloves, pepper, milk Price: 135, oo Tea with rum Price: 195, oo
Informal Working Body Gulliver
Eind december 2012 was het 25 jaar geleden dat in het Hilton Hotel te Amsterdam de “Informal Working Body Gulliver ” werd opgericht op initiatief van o.a. Nobelprijswinnaar Günter Grass foto oprichters + silhouetten met namen. Wat Gulliver in de eerste jaren na de val van de Muur betekende is te lezen in deze brief van ION BOGDAN LEFTER:
Lees verder “Informal Working Body Gulliver”